Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let's Talk Real Talk!

I started thinking about how the church can become more relevant in the world we live in. I thought, "What can I do today to be more relevant?" That's when I thought of this blog. I'd love for this to be a forum where we can discuss pressing issues in society, the church and humanity at large. Will you do that with me? Will you post your thoughts and feelings and let others talk to you about them? Ask yourself if you're willing to view the world from different perspectives. Personally, I think it's the only way to stay relevant.

So, let me get the ball rolling! What are your thoughts about religion? What does that word or, that idea mean to you personally?

Write me!!! Get involved!!!


  1. When I hear the word "religion", it evokes feelings of safety; a pillar that holds me steady. However, religion is not relationship, and unless I stay in relationship with my Creator, the Lord Jesus, religion means nothing. Religion to most is a list of do's and don'ts, but that is not what relationship is about- the former is master-servant binding, the second a mutual love relationship. I love Him because He first loved me.

  2. I don't like the word "religion", it is filled with thou shalt nots and reminds me of sitting on a pew scared to death of the don'ts, Being who I am in Christ is about a relationship with Jesus. Getting to know him intimately is more important than following a religion. In the wrong hands, religion can be bondage but a relationship is freedom in Him.

  3. The actual word “religion” has lost its definition somewhere along the way and has become more of a cliché or even worse a tactic or ploy into manipulating a set of beliefs. The actual definition of religion is fairly simple, a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. So why all the debates?? THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD AND GOD IS…LOVE!!! People avoid “religious people”, but WITH LOVE they will see it as maybe, “I like these ‘church’ people”. Religion is a noun, I prefer using the word “spirituality”. Spirituality means the ACT of believing in a superior form of life other than the human. We choose to believe in the ONE GOD that created us…pretty simply. We ACT in the same kind of LOVE that he shows us. We bring our own personal faith to bear, one that is deeply personal and not necessarily shaped by the four walls of the church, therefore, WE ARE THE EXTENTION OF THE CHURCH. Often times, people substitute religion for a relationship with our maker, which lacks depth. The deeper we become committed in a relationship with God and get to know him, religion does not matter. Religion boxes our mind sets in, it should not be contained, WE are ALL made in HIS image. No title, no sect, or no denomination’s…just HIS image. I find hope in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, inspiration in the Hebrew prophets and solace in the idea of underserved grace that HE eloquently portrayed to ALL people. “And that’s about it, friends. Be cheerful, Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of LOVE and PEACE will be with you for sure. May the amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you.” 2 Corinthians 11-14 (The Message)

  4. Wow! These are some good thoughts! Now we have a dialogue going! From what I can tell from the posts you all aren't impressed with "religion!" To be honest, I'm not either. Almost everything in this life is about relationship and God is at the center of that. But I think some people through the ages have grasped on to tyrannical belief systems in order to find a sense of place in the world. One of the posts here said that spirituality is the "act of believing in a superior form of life other than the human." I think the secular world's argument with the church is, "Why would you feel you have to do that?" Anyone want to comment?
