Friday, March 26, 2010

A Quiet Heaven

Does it ever seem to you like God gets real quiet sometimes? Have you ever wondered why? There's really no one right answer to that question. Every situation is different. However when you've done all you can do to pray, believe, and stand your ground, it takes great faith to continue on when God seems quiet. Although I know it's wonderful when a prayer is answered; when you hear yourself say, "God, even when I can't trace you I still believe you" that's when you know there's real progress. You might be saying, "Oh great, Pastor. Maturity is exactly what I wanted!" I understand! I know that's not ultimately what you prayed for. However with every prayer, with every muttered request or boisterous appeal, there's an underlying contingency plan. God has the option to use that open door to teach you something that will go further than the answer you're asking for. God is strategic and rest assured, He has all of us in process. So, occupy yourself with gladness and focus on the work of believing. And then go one further and get used to it! It's the believer's job.

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